From Confusion to Clarity in Navigating School for Your Child with ADHD

From Confusion to Clarity in Navigating School for Your Child with ADHD

An online course for parents of elementary and middle school students with ADHD.

Is your child with ADHD Struggling at School?

Enroll NOW

Shining at School is an online, video-based course that will teach you how to help your child with ADHD go from surviving to thriving at school. On your own time. At your own pace.

You don't want your child to struggle for years without the right supports...but you are overwhelmed and confused about how to help.

Good don't have to be an expert in school law to get your child the support they need.

But you do need to know your rights so you can be a confident advocate for your child. We want your child to feel happy and successful at school!

Welcome to Shining at School with ADHD.

Ready to help your child thrive at school?

Getting your child support at school shouldn't be this hard.

Getting your child school supports shouldn't be this hard.

Has not yet received a diagnosis. Your child is struggling in school but so far there is no plan in place to help them. You want tools to navigate the process to get your child the help they need!

Has a diagnosis but no clear plan for school supports. You are overwhelmed by your child's daily struggles, and they are not getting the support they need. You just want a plan so your child can enjoy going to school!

Has a diagnosis and school supports but they aren't working. Maybe your child has an IEP or 504 plan, but they are still struggling. You want to know what your rights are so you can feel empowered to get the correct supports to help your child succeed at school!




If you are raising a child with ADHD, you might feel completely overwhelmed by the *constant* emails and calls from the school. Maybe your child is interrupting the teacher... or refusing to do work... or forgetting to turn in assignments...or hitting other students. When you talk to your child's school, they are looking to you for guidance.

“For the first time we have made it past the first quarter with zero issues! Now my son is happy and excited to go to school. I am actually looking forward to conferences this year. My son is thriving and successful. I felt so empowered to advocate for him when we switched schools after taking this course."

— Melissa, Arizona

As a parent, you may feel helpless and confused. How can you help your child at school when you aren't there? How do you get the right services so they can be successful? How can you navigate this when you don't know what any of the acronyms mean... or what your child's rights are... or even what to ask for?

Are you ready to feel confident in knowing how to support your ADHD child at school?

once you understand the school system, you will know how to advocate for your child's needs.

You are in the right place...

"The principal said my son shines."

“My son’s 504 was approved today! It was a fantastic meeting and I’m so happy with the level of support the team agreed on. The principal said my son “shines” which made me think of your course. Thank you for all you do! "


What Parents are Saying!

"It gave us the confidence to go back to the school and advocate."

"We originally met with the school in September requesting a 504 plan after our son was privately diagnosed with OCD and inattentive ADHD. We were surprised that the meeting ended up being them pushing us away with “oh he’s fine right now so he may not be approved” and “he’s so bright he doesn’t need it right now”. I remember leaving that office feeling so confused why they would deny him. We knew we wanted to be proactive and not reactive. In January we decided to formally request the 504 and began the process. Reading the psychologist’s observation report, we were shocked at the extent of our son’s inattentive behavior and so that, along with teacher and parent interviews, had them approve the 504 and today we wrote up the accommodations.

You provided a wealth of information through your online course that gave us the confidence and knowledge to go back to the school and advocate for him."


"It is truly eye opening."

"After my son was diagnosed with ADHD and started a low dose medication, the school right away wanted to do an unscheduled review meeting of his IEP. They said he met all his goals on his IEP. I did not agree and requested a functional behavioral assessment to look more at his executive functioning skills. After a second IEP meeting, my son is now keeping his IEP, has an executive functioning goal to work on directions and memory, and is also keeping speech therapy. We added several more supports. I do not feel I would have been able to advocate for those things for my son without having taken the Shining at School Course. My partner and I are participating in this course together and are beyond grateful and appreciative of everything we are learning. It is truly eye opening."


Shining at School


Shining at School is a video-based course that will teach you how to help your child with ADHD go from surviving to thriving at school. On your own time. At your own pace.

Learn the differences between private and school-based evaluations and identify which is best for your child.

Understand strategies your school may use even before your child is evaluated.

Know your rights when you disagree with the school's evaluation, which can save you thousands of dollars!

Understand the purpose of an IEP versus a 504 plan.

Learn what accommodations and modifications are, and when they might be appropriate for your child with ADHD.

Identify what type of plan might be best for your child.

Here's What You'll Learn

The Evaluation Process


Understand how to communicate effectively with your child’s teacher and school (with customizable sample letters and plans).

Learn what to do (and not to do) in addressing your child's challenging school behaviors. Put an end to homework battles.

Teach your child to advocate for their own needs at school and build indepedence.

Collaboration Between Home and School

module four

Learn about why executive function is important in the classroom.

Identify specific accommodations and tools that are used to support students with ADHD.

Learn proven interventions to improve your child's behavior, executive functioning, and social skills (with ready-made templates you can share with your child's school).

Classroom Supports

Module Three

Learn your legal rights when you and the school are not able to agree on your child's needs and services.

Identify advantages and disadvantages of public, charter, and private school settings to improve your child's school success.

What To Do When The Plan Isn't Working

module five

IEPs vs. 504 plans

MOdule two

Right now (for FREE!) we are giving you access to an entire lesson from our online course, Shining at School.

In this lesson, we dive deep into your child’s brain, their executive function skills, and the “why” behind school struggles. 

Check out this video to sample the course for yourself.

FREE Lesson on Executive Functions at School


"When I was in the process of getting my son tested for ADHD, I felt so lost with all of the different terminology, especially when it came to our rights with the school district. The Shining at School course was a phenomenal resource for me. It was so incredibly thorough and helped me to feel much more prepared as I advocated for my son. I went from feeling like a clueless bystander to a confident teammate with his teachers as we figured out the best educational plan for him. I would recommend this course to any parent who has a child with ADHD or who is in the process of seeking testing. This course gets an A+!."

Rachel Nielson

of 3 In 30 podcast for Moms

The complete Creating Calm Video series

7+ hours of video content to help you raise thriving kids at home and School


The complete Shining at School Video Series

Shining at School

2 hours of videos broken into 5 modules

Short lessons you can fit into your busy life

SAMPLE BEHAVIOR PLANS, accommodations, workbook pages

Unlimited access, so go at your own pace

Buy now $99

Creating Calm

5 hours of videos broken into 6 modules

Short lessons you can fit into your busy life

Unlimited access, SO GO AT YOUR OWN PACE

ready-to-use printable tools (visual schedules, reward systems)

select the plan that works for you:

The ADHD Collection

Buy now for $198 $178


MOST popular

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Buy now for $198 $178

“I want to thank you for the time and resources you poured into the Shining at School course! I’ve been an educator for 10 years and my son has had an IEP since kindergarten (in 4th grade now). But your course is helping me feel much more empowered and has made me feel like I can advocate so much better for my son!!! Truly the best money I have spent on any school related item!!!” 

"The best money I have spent on any school related item!"

Allison B. - North Carolina

"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

Get ready-made strategies to help your child with learning, attention, + behavior.

Build a strong home-school connection + help the teacher understand your child.

Learn science-backed tools + accommodations to minimize challenging behavior.

Understand terms + law (504s + IEPs, oh my!) so you feel confident at school meetings.

Understand how to advocate for your child + teach your child to do the same.

Know your options + how to move forward if you and the school disagree.

By the end of Shining at School, you will...


How It Works

Sign up for our course, Shining at School.

Watch the lessons on your own time, at your own pace.

Schedule a school meeting and start making a plan to help your child succeed!




"I was so nervous going to the meeting. I had all my notes laid out from your courses and felt prepared. I knew that she qualified for the 504 plan since she had her ADHD diagnosis. My goal was still to get an IEP for her because of her emotional/behavioral issues she had in school. I had my supporting reasons why she should qualify for an IEP based on my notes from your courses. Well, all the documentation I had, letters I had written, and her previous teacher’s feedback helped us get an IEP for my daughter. Through her evaluations they decided on OT for her struggles with writing, speech therapy for her pragmatic language delay, and group counseling to help develop her social, emotional, behavioral skills. After the call yesterday I just cried tears of joy! I started this process in June and can’t believe that we will have everything in place before my daughter start school in September. I cannot thank you all enough!"

"I just cried tears of joy!"

Sheena - New York

"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

We are Lori, Katie, & Mallory.

We are two child psychologists and a speech language pathologist. But most importantly, we are mamas, just like you.

We created The Childhood Collective to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive at home and school!


hey there!

A year from now you
will have wished you started today....

So let's get started!

"I am at the beginning of the school evaluation for my kindergartener. Shining at School was SO helpful to understand the process, the legal timeframes, and the verbiage. I felt so much less intimidated going into the initial intake meeting. Now I’m feeling confident and I’m looking forward to advocating for my son’s needs at school!"

"I felt so much less intimidated!"


"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

Try our courses for 30 days. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

It's as simple as that. No catches. If it isn't the right fit for you or your family, just send us an email within 30 days and get a full refund. 

money back 


This      for you if:

You are ready to meet with your School team and make a plan.

The school is already providing a supportive plan for your child.

YOU'RE NOT willing to work with the school on making a plan.

You are ready to learn new tools and take steps to help your child succeed at school.

It's probably       for you if...

YOU don't have any extra time right now to take on one more thing.



It's probably
for you if...

Your child is struggling in school and needs more support.

Bundle and Save!

The complete Creating Calm Video series

7+ hours of video content to help you raise thriving kids at home and School


The complete Shining at School Video Series

Shining at School

2 hours of videos broken into 5 modules

Short lessons you can fit into your busy life

SAMPLE BEHAVIOR PLANS, accommodations, workbook pages

Unlimited access, so go at your own pace

Buy now $99

Creating Calm

5 hours of videos broken into 6 modules

Short lessons you can fit into your busy life

Unlimited access, SO GO AT YOUR OWN PACE

ready-to-use printable tools (visual schedules, reward systems)

select the plan that works for you:

The ADHD Collection

Buy now for $198 $178


MOST popular

Learn More

Bundle and Save!

Save $20

Buy now for $198 $178

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the course?

The course is a total of 2 hours. It is broken into 5 modules with short lessons that can easily fit into your busy life. 

We designed this course to make accessing school-based services more straightforward and less stressful for busy parents with limited time!

Is this course is right for my family?

This course is designed for parents of elementary-school or middle-school children with ADHD. It is perfect for parents who suspect their child has a diagnosis of ADHD or who already have an ADHD diagnosis.

This course is designed for children who are struggling at school and do not have a plan in place. It can also help children who have a 504 plan or IEP in place but are still struggling.

How long will I have access to the course?

Once you purchase the course, you will have unlimited access for as long as we host the course (and we have no plans to not!).

Why should I trust you to teach me?

Dr. Lori and Dr. Mallory are child psychologists with doctorates in school psychology. Katie is a speech language pathologist. We have a combined 40 years of experience working with families raising children with ADHD and providing consultation and evaluations in the schools. We have participated in hundreds of school and IEP meetings advocating for kids and families!

Is this course specific to students in the United States?

Generally, yes. The laws that we will cover are specific to the United States. However, we will discuss general accommodations and interventions for students with ADHD, so some information is applicable for students in other countries.

Will you answer questions if I get stuck?

We will provide general support via email if you have questions or get stuck during the course. 

However, due to our psychology and speech language pathology licenses, we are unable to provide consultation on your child’s specific behaviors or individual needs.

Is this helpful for my child if they are in a private school?

Private schools are not required by law to provide a full range of interventions and accommodations for students with ADHD. However, many private schools provide learning and accommodation plans. You can also still receive support through your local public school, even if your child is in a private school. This will be discussed in the course.

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on our courses. Try it for 30 days. If you aren't happy with it, just email us and will will provide a refund!

What if I enroll in the course but change my mind and want a refund?

Is this course close-captioned?

Yes! You can turn on the closed-captioning in our course by clicking the "cc" icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the video.

shoot us an email

We completely understand. Every dollar invested in your family is an important one! Send us your questions!

Still on the fence?