Must-Listen Playlist for Understanding ADHD and Behavior

August 9, 2024

Empowering insight and strategies that work!

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WHy Kids with ADHD Lie and What to do about it
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We're Lori, Mallory, & Katie

We created The Childhood Collective blog to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive!


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When it comes to understanding ADHD, we recognize that these unique kids have incredible strengths, like creativity, resilience, passion, and deep empathy. They are the inventors and the tide changers of the world. We also understand the difficulties children with ADHD may face in meeting behavioral expectations on the soccer field, in the classroom, and at home.

It’s not uncommon for our kids to hear things like:

“Hello! Are you ignoring me?”

“It’s not that hard.”

“Why did you do that?”

In fact, kids with ADHD get negative feedback or critical redirection 3-5 times more than their neurotypical peers.

Keep in mind that children with ADHD have significant differences in their executive function, which can lead to challenging behaviors like lying, fighting with siblings, and defiance. When we understand *why* these things are so difficult for kids with ADHD, we can get *curious* about how best to support them.

We’ve developed a playlist of our favorite episodes on topics like lying, impulsivity, and sibling conflict. Each episode provides tested strategies for helping kids with ADHD truly shine.

So whether you:

  • Just started looking into the possibility that your child may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Have a child who was recently diagnosed with ADHD
  • Have known the diagnosis for a while now but need new strategies to create more calm in your home

We’ve got you covered. Check out our must-listen playlist for understanding ADHD and behavior to gain empowering insight and strategies that work.

Young child on swing

Podcast Episodes 

#108 Managing Screens and ADHD

You give a “five-minute warning,” but no matter how often you say it, they look at you in surprise when it’s time to turn off the iPad or stop playing video games. The argument quickly escalates, right? As parents, we can create an environment where we are proactive AS A FAMILY regarding screen time. In this episode, we give you our favorite tips for managing screens and ADHD.

#126: Say Less (no, really!) and Other Tips To Support Your Child With ADHD.

Getting kids to listen is tough, and getting kids with ADHD to listen is even more challenging. Remember, your kids want to do well, so they aren’t playing a game of who can make Mom the most mad. Their unique wiring requires a different communication strategy to get cooperation. To help support you, we share four tips to get your child with ADHD to listen without yelling.

#127: Competition to Cooperation: Siblings and ADHD with Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart

We know that having a child or two (or more!) in the home with ADHD only intensifies the inevitable sibling conflict. In this episode, we interview Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart, a standout in pediatric psychology, about navigating the developmental conflict between siblings.

#147: “Defiance” and ADHD: Getting Curious About What’s Beneath the Surface

Asking your child to clean their room or do one page of homework shouldn’t launch a battle complete with meltdowns, but often, for kids with ADHD, it does. You’re trying your hardest to breathe and regulate, but inside, you’re thinking, “Why is everything a fight?!” The truth is that defiance is often a symptom of something deeper for the child. In this episode, we share four possible explanations for why your ADHD child may seem defiant.

#154: Why Kids with ADHD Lie and What to Do About It

Most of the time, we don’t need to see growing noses to know if our kids are telling us a lie. We catch the lie, and as a result, big feelings come. We might feel angry, hurt, worried, or downright annoyed. Navigating our reactions can be tricky. As parents, it’s important to remember that our kids have differences in executive functioning. We want to empower you with four strategies you can use to navigate lying (and encourage honesty!) in your children with ADHD.

#156: I Didn’t Mean to Do That! Impulsivity and ADHD

As parents, we naturally want our kids with ADHD to slow down and consider their actions, but it’s a challenge. It can be heartbreaking to see impulsive behavior negatively impact their social life or lead to consequences. In this episode, we discuss strategies to help them through these situations.

You’ve got this! 

Finally, you don’t have to be a therapist or go back to school to learn how to help your child thrive. You just need a clear plan to support your child with ADHD. If you’re looking for more resources in this area, we’ve developed a comprehensive program, Creating Calm, to help you raise a confident and independent child with ADHD.


Have a beautiful week,

Lori, Katie, and Mallory

Lori, Katie and Mallory

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We are Lori, Katie, & Mallory.

We are two child psychologists and a speech language pathologist. But most importantly, we are mamas, just like you.

We created The Childhood Collective to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive at home and school!

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Learn 6 Keys to Raising a Happy and Independent
Child with ADHD

Can you imagine having tools to help your child listen, manage frequent meltdowns, and connect with your child?