
#162: Parents Who Have ADHD: Systems That Work with Amy Marie Hann

August 19, 2024

The best thing we can do as parents of ADHD kids is to model what it looks like to thrive with ADHD.

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We're Lori, Mallory, & Katie

We created The Childhood Collective blog to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive!


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On this ADHD parenting journey, it is SO important to have friends who understand your journey! For us, Amy Marie Hann of @activatedadhdmama has been that person. For parents with ADHD, Amy is relatable, honest, and full of practical ideas to make life easier for ADHD families. As we transition back into the school year, we asked Amy to share how she tweaks her systems for every season. This is the perfect episode for parents with ADHD if you find yourself signing up for *way* too many activities, getting bored with everyday chores, or struggling to manage your home life.



Amy is the creator of Master the Mundane, a unique online course + community that empowers moms with ADHD to manage their home and family in a way that works for their brain. ADHD has touched every area of her life. She herself was diagnosed at the age of 5 and her three kids, husband, dad, and sister are also ADHD. She’s also fostered, adopted and homeschooled kids with ADHD and brings a wealth of personal experience, authenticity and relatability to everything she creates. She believes that the ADHD brain is uniquely created to bring good to the world and the best thing we can do as moms of ADHD kids is to model what it looks like to thrive with ADHD. She’s a loud laugher, avid reader, and workout enthusiast with a mild obsession with HGTV.




Episode 162 Transcript

Understanding Overstimulation: Navigating Motherhood with ADHD

Master the Mundane E-book

How To Manage Your Home as a Mom with ADHD Webinar

Amy Marie Hann Instagram

Amy Marie Hann Website

Episode #106: Parenting ADHD When You Have ADHD with Amy Marie Hann

The Childhood Collective Instagram

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Lori, Katie and Mallory

Lori, Katie, and Mallory

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We are Lori, Katie, & Mallory.

We are two child psychologists and a speech language pathologist. But most importantly, we are mamas, just like you.

We created The Childhood Collective to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive at home and school!

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Learn 6 Keys to Raising a Happy and Independent
Child with ADHD

Can you imagine having tools to help your child listen, manage frequent meltdowns, and connect with your child?