
#164: Understanding Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and ADHD with Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart

September 3, 2024

You may have heard the term Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria” or RSD.

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If you have been around the world of ADHD for a while, you may have heard the term “Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria” or RSD. When kids with ADHD experience RSD, they can fall into negative thought patterns such as, “nobody likes me” … and it can be heartbreaking to watch. In this conversation, Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart shares empathy, insight, and practical strategies for parents to help our kids (and ourselves!) through those tough moments of rejection sensitive dysphoria.


Dr. Ann-LouiseDr. Ann-Louise Lockhart is a business owner of A New Day Pediatric Psychology in San Antonio, TX. She is a pediatric psychologist, parent coach, wife of 24 years, a mom of 11 and 13 year olds, and has over 17 years of experience in her field. Dr. Lockhart serves as a parent coach for parents who have kids and teens with behavioral and emotional regulation concerns, those diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, as well as kids who are highly sensitive. She focuses on helping parents adjust their mindset about parenting. Dr. Lockhart helps overwhelmed parents get on the same page and better understand their kids and teens.



Episode 164 Transcript

Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart Instagram

Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart’s website A New Day Pediatric Psychology

Episode #127: Competition to Cooperation: Siblings and ADHD with Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart

The Childhood Collective Instagram

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Lori, Katie and Mallory






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