
#160: What Every ADHD Parent Needs to Hear

June 10, 2024

Parents, this one is specifically for you!

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IEP and 504 plans...oh my!
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We're Lori, Mallory, & Katie

We created The Childhood Collective blog to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive!


Get our FREE guide to parenting ADHD!

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Learn 6 keys for raising a happy and independent child with ADHD.


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As we reflect on the first season of our podcast, we feel so honored that we have a place on your playlist. Between the topics and the hosts, we hope that you feel empowered and encouraged on your parenting journey. Don’t worry; we’ll be back in August, but we’d love to hear which episodes you loved the most! It isn’t easy, but we know you are the best parent for your child! For our final episode of the season, we wanted to close out by sharing what, we believe, every ADHD parent needs to hear.



We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD.


Episode 160 Transcript

Shining at School – Code PODCAST

Hungry Root – Code CHILDHOOD40

Time Timer – Code TCC

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Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com

Photo of the The Childhood Collective Team

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We are Lori, Katie, & Mallory.

We are two child psychologists and a speech language pathologist. But most importantly, we are mamas, just like you.

We created The Childhood Collective to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive at home and school!

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Grab our FREE ADHD Parenting Guide

Can you imagine having tools to help your child listen, manage those frequent meltdowns, and connect with your child?

Learn 6 keys for raising a happy and independent child with ADHD.

Learn 6 Keys to Raising a Happy and Independent
Child with ADHD

Can you imagine having tools to help your child listen, manage frequent meltdowns, and connect with your child?