
#118: Independent Play: A Secret Ingredient for Easier Parenting with Lizzie Assa

June 19, 2023

When ADHD kids learn to play independently, parenting gets easier!

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We created The Childhood Collective blog to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive!


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As an ADHD parent, you do allll the things… from evaluations to therapies, to advocating for your child at school, to managing the big emotions at home. You’re stretched really thin, and it’s no wonder you’re tired! The mental load is no joke (if you’re in the trenches here, check out 4 Ways to Reduce Mental Stress). Developing independent play skills in ADHD children is a game-changer.  This is why we are sooo excited to have an independent play expert, Lizzie Assa, sharing her knowledge with us today. Lizzie’s strategies are a secret ingredient for easier parenting. We promise these tips help your child develop play skills and, in turn, create more rest your entire family!



Photo of Lizzie AssaLizzie Assa is the founder of The Workspace for Children, a parenting strategist, play expert, and mother of three. With a background in early childhood education and experience working with families and children, Lizzie helps parents and caregivers avoid burnout by teaching their children independent play. She is a firm believer in the power of simplicity and consistency in play and is dedicated to promoting these values. Prior to starting The Workspace for Children, Assa received a MsED from the Bank Street College of Education in New York City and taught nursery school in Manhattan. She has been featured in various publications such as Parent’s Magazine, NY Times Parenting, Time, and The WSJ.




Lizzie’s Site

Workspace Instagram

Lizzie’s Independent Play Course

The Childhood Collective Instagram

The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available

Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com

From left to right, Lori, Katie and Mallory






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We are Lori, Katie, & Mallory.

We are two child psychologists and a speech language pathologist. But most importantly, we are mamas, just like you.

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