
What Every Parent Needs to Know About Dyslexia

October 16, 2021

With early detection and specific interventions, most children with dyslexia can learn to read.

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Today we are answering some common questions about dyslexia. Whether you have concerns about your child’s reading or a confirmed diagnosis of dyslexia, reading struggles can be challenging for the whole family. We are addressing some of the myths and challenges associated with dyslexia and equipping you to advocate for your child and develop a plan to help.  

1. What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a language-based learning disorder that makes it difficult for individuals to connect written letters to the sounds they make. It can impact a child’s ability to spell, read, write, and pronounce words correctly. It is usually not diagnosed until a child has had exposure to reading and writing in school. Dyslexia often runs in families, so a child with a parent or sibling with dyslexia is at a higher risk.

2. How do I know if my child has dyslexia?

A psychologist or neuropsychologist should diagnose dyslexia, as it requires extensive testing in intellectual, academic, phonological processing, and other processing skill areas. Speech language pathologists can also play a role when a team approach is used for diagnosis.

Symptoms of dyslexia can be detected as early as preschool, although it cannot be diagnosed at this age. Early signs of possible dyslexia include:

  • Difficulty rhyming simple words such as “hit, sit, mitt.”
  • Left/right confusion
  • Late to establish a dominant hand
  • Difficulty learning sound/letter associations such as “D” says “duh.”
  • Trouble learning early nursery rhymes
  • Early school-age children may have difficulty sounding out simple words and will often avoid reading tasks because they are challenging
  • It is a common misconception that only children with dyslexia reverse their letters and numbers – many children do this while learning to write. It is not usually a cause for concern until a child is seven years old. Conversely, if a child is not making reversals in letters or numbers, this does not mean they do not have dyslexia.

3. Why won’t the school give my child an official diagnosis of dyslexia?

In public school, a child who has difficulty with reading can be given special education under the eligibility category of Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) in reading. This is an administrative category that schools use to determine if a child can receive special education services or an IEP; however, it is not a clinical diagnosis. This can be very confusing to parents.

Many parents will want to know if their child has dyslexia and will request that the school tests for this. Parents in Arizona and other states are often told that they do not test for dyslexia. That is because dyslexia is a clinical diagnosis that a licensed psychologist makes. Even more frustrating is that insurance often will not cover this type of testing by a psychologist because it should be completed in the schools. As a result, it can be expensive and difficult to get a diagnosis of dyslexia.

We often hear from parents that the schools do not recognize a diagnosis of dyslexia. This actually is not true. In fact, the criteria a school uses for special education in a specific learning disorder (IDEA law) states: “Specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.” 

As you can see, the special education criteria include dyslexia in the definition. So even though the school might not provide that diagnosis, the school should recognize that terminology and diagnosis from an outside provider. Grab a copy of our FREE School Testing Guide for more in-depth information about the differences between school and clinical testing. 

4. What kind of treatment should I get for dyslexia?

There are several evidence-based interventions designed to support children with dyslexia. There is no “cure,” but with early detection and intervention, many children can improve and ultimately learn to read. Specific interventions should be geared toward each child’s needs, but intervention should generally be structured, systematic, and multi-sensory. There are a number of different kinds of multi-sensory reading programs. Commonly used evidence-based interventions include Orton Gillingham and Lindamood Bell. For more in-depth information on reading interventions, check out the International Dyslexia Associations Handbook for Dyslexia.

Reading specialists, teachers, speech language pathologists, and psychologists can all provide this type of intervention, but the person must specialized training in dyslexia. Insurance typically won’t pay for this type of treatment, so we recommend parents get help at school whenever possible and go to private practice for additional support.

5. What accommodations can I use to support my child?

Fortunately, we live in a time when our children have many options for technology to accommodate reading challenges. For instance, Learning Ally offers audiobooks for children diagnosed with a specific learning disorder. This fantastic resource can allow children to learn information at their grade level while eliminating the frustration of reading textbooks. Dictation and typing are also ways to work around challenges with writing and spelling that often go hand in hand with reading. The sooner your child begins using dictation (Macs have very good built-in dictation FYI) or typing, the more efficient they will become in writing. This will allow them to keep up with the heavier workload as they progress to high school and college. 

Also, we recently compiled a list of accommodations families can use when working with their children at home. 

6. What other disorders commonly overlap with dyslexia?

  • ADHD
  • Speech and language disorders
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

 7. What will the long-term outcome be for my child? 

I always tell parents that I wish I could look into a crystal ball and tell them about their child’s future. But alas, that just isn’t possible. However, the earlier we provide evidence-based reading interventions, the more likely children will overcome their challenges. Also, children with dyslexia will greatly benefit from accommodations throughout their schooling.

I just received a lovely card in the mail from a young woman. I initially diagnosed her with dyslexia in high school. She is very bright but struggles significantly with reading and spelling. I evaluated her recently so she could get accommodations during the MCAT. She sent me a card announcing her recent graduation from college. She is now on her way to applying to medical school. Just know that reading challenges can improve with interventions. Reading/spelling challenges can also be accommodated, even if your child is getting the diagnosis later in life. 

If you need clarification about school services and how to get support for your child – we have got you covered! We have an online course, Shining at School. This course is designed to help you navigate school support. We know your child can thrive at school! 

Have a wonderful week,

Katie, Lori, and Mallory

References: Dyslexia Basics. (2020 May 24) International Dyslexia Association. Retrieved from
Disclaimer: The contents of this site are opinions of The Childhood Collective PLLC partners unless otherwise noted. The information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any type of medical condition and is not intended as personalized medical/psychological advice. Any decision you make regarding your and your family’s health and medical treatments should be made with a qualified healthcare provider.

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  1. […] children with ADHD struggle with some aspect of reading or writing. ADHD and dyslexia co-occur at very high rates, with some estimates ranging from 25-40%. Writing is also often […]

  2. […] If your child is struggling to stay focused and finish tasks across home and school, it may be time to find a specialist to do an evaluation. When considering Inattentive ADHD, it is also important to find out if your child’s difficulty focusing in school or doing homework is due to an underlying learning disorder, such as dyslexia. […]

  3. Thanks for explaining that ADHD can also overlap with dyslexia. I plan to find a good private dyslexia literacy tutoring service because I plan to find a good way to make my son’s education to be right on track. Getting all the support that he needs will surely be crucial for that.

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