
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder + Executive Function

June 4, 2024

With the term “executive function” becoming more popular… what does it even mean?

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We're Lori, Mallory, & Katie

We created The Childhood Collective blog to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive!


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These days, the term “executive function” is getting thrown around more than ever. But what does it even mean?! And even more important… How do I help my child build their executive functions?

You are in the right place. We are here to break down the most important things you need to know about executive functions. To save you time, we created this “playlist” of our top blogs + podcast episodes on this topic.

Whether you:

  • Just started looking into the possibility that your child may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Have a child who was recently diagnosed with ADHD
  • Have known the diagnosis for awhile now, but you are looking to add to your executive function toolbox…

We’ve got you covered. Check out these top resources to support Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder + Executive Function.

Podcast Episodes

Episode #101: Introduction to Executive Functions

Yes, you read that right. Our VERY FIRST podcast episode was dedicated to helping parents understand executive functioning, and is packed with real-life examples and tools you can try today.

Episode #126: Say Less (no, really!) and Other Tips To Support Your Child With ADHD

We’ve all been there. You calmly ask your child to do something, and they seem to ignore you. You repeat it several times, and eventually it turns into yelling. Your child looks at you with genuine surprise and asks, “Um… why are you yelling at me?” If you can relate, then you need this episode! We explain why this happens (hint: it’s the executive functions) and what we can do as parents.

Episode #139: Boost Your Child’s Executive Function with Declarative Language

I know, this sounds like a boring topic. But I PROMISE you will get something from this episode. Katie, our speech language pathologist, breaks down the technical jargon of “declarative language” and gives you real-life examples of how to build your child’s executive function skills. The best part? This isn’t an “extra” thing you have to do every week – it’s easy to build this in to every day routines (like while you are driving to soccer practice!).

Episode #142: The Key to Executive Functioning: Internal Skills for Kids with ADHD with Mike McLeod

This is one of our most-downloaded guest episodes… and with good reason. Mike McLeod is an ADHD coach who gives tons of practical tips for building our kids’ internal skills (which is, you guessed it, a critical part of the executive functions). Mike’s energy in this episode is contagious, and we can’t wait for you to listen.

On the blog: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder + Executive Function 

Blog Post: Executive Functioning in Children: 5 Things All Parents Need to Know

If listening to podcasts isn’t your thing, that’s totally fine. We have several blog posts about executive functions. This is the best one to start with, and you can click through to the rest of the series from there.

Are you looking for more tools to support your child’s executive functions? We have an entire online course, Creating Calm, to help you raise a happy + independent child with ADHD. In this course, we go in-depth with tools and strategies to support you and your child.

Have a beautiful week,

Lori, Katie, and Mallory

From left to right, Lori, Katie and Mallory








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We are Lori, Katie, & Mallory.

We are two child psychologists and a speech language pathologist. But most importantly, we are mamas, just like you.

We created The Childhood Collective to bring you simple, science-backed strategies to help you and your child with ADHD thrive at home and school!

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Can you imagine having tools to help your child listen, manage frequent meltdowns, and connect with your child?